Moving can be a hassle, however, there are a few things you can do to help ensure your moving experience is as easy as possible. One of the most important things you can do is to make sure you are prepared for the move before it is time to go.
Abraham Maslow once said, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail.” Having the proper tools is essential to making your move easy. What tools? I’m talking about packing supplies.
Having the proper packing supplies on hand will save you time, energy, and stress. Here is a list of packing supplies that you should have before you even think about starting to pack anything:
- Boxes- Yes, I know- that’s obvious. But having the proper size and number of boxes is the important thing. Boxes are available from many places. A lot of businesses will give you extra empty boxes if you ask. Also, there are a wide variety of boxes for sale at packing/shipping services, home improvement and department stores, post offices, etc. Be sure to get different-sized boxes. Large ones for light, bulky objects and small ones for heavier items like books. And don’t be afraid to get too many. Many retailers such as storage facilities will buy back any unused boxes, giving you a full refund.
- Tape- Buy some good-quality packing tape. Depending on the amount of packing you need to do, you may need several rolls. For even small homes or apartments, one roll of tape is rarely enough. It may also be a good idea to purchase packing tape that comes with a built-in dispenser. These tape dispensers make taping up your boxes even easier and faster.
- Packing Material- Save old newspapers for a few weeks before your move. Newspapers make good packing material for most household items. The more delicate and valuable items in your home do require a little more than newspaper, though. Bubble wrap, foam peanuts, and blankets provide excellent protection for items you don’t want to be damaged.
- Labels- These are optional, but if you won’t be able to write directly onto your containers, or if you can’t see what you wrote, you may want to buy or make some labels. Clearly labeled boxes make organization and unpacking easier.
- Box-cutter- Be sure you have a good knife to unpack your stuff.
A little planning goes a long way. Make sure you are ready to pack your stuff before you get knee-deep in it and find out you need to go to the store. It will save you loads of trouble to use Orlando Pest Control to keep those pests out of your goods.